Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Turkey Turmoil

This turkey puppet in the toy store is looking a bit worried about the upcoming holiday.  

(I purchased him from David & Wendy's Dollhouse at the Denver mini show last February.)   

I've told him he doesn't have to worry - he's needed for puppet shows in the toy store. 

And this is a RL turkey made out of oreos and candy corns that my son made in his class Thanksgiving party:

Maybe next year I will try to make a mini one. 

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. Aww... poor worried turkey, show business will suit him better than 'kitchen duty'.
    Have a happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Thank you! Hope you're having a great Thanksgiving!

  2. That turkey cookie! How precious to have been created by the little hands that you created! Both a treasure, to be sure! Hope you enjoyed the parade with the family, and are having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend!

    1. I always love the parade! It is so happy and festive with all the balloons and bands. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I hope you also enjoyed it.

  3. Two adorable turkeys! Was somebody nibbling on his candy corn tail. :D
    I love love your little puppet turkey, too stinkin cute.. with that worried little look on his face. :D

    1. Well-spotted. I am afraid to say that his candy corn tail was eventually eaten, but that broken candy corn there was to make his nose! I think my puppet turkey is feeling a little less worried now that the holiday has passed :)

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